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Weather Policies

When inclement weather causes cancellations, families will be notified by email.

Whenever thunder is heard, the pool deck must be cleared of all people for at least 30 minutes.

For practices: The head coach will make the decision whether or not to cancel practice. This may be done at any point, even during practice, so plan on being there unless you hear otherwise.

For meets: Every effort will be made to swim the meet on the scheduled day because the short season makes it difficult to schedule make-up meets. When inclement weather hits, the Meet Committee (team managers, head coaches, and head officials of each team) will make the decision whether to keep swimming, to delay, to suspend, or to reschedule. Each team has a designated weather monitor who will use weather monitoring apps to track the location of lightning and storm weather. If it is raining, the meet may continue as long as the bottom of the pool is visible. If delayed, the Committee will track the weather and determine if it seems possible to continue that same night. If the meet is in progress, it may be suspended; if it hasn’t started, it may be rescheduled. The make-up day is determined by the home team and is usually the very next night. Please do not leave the pool parking lot if a meet is delayed, but feel free to wait in your car for further updates on the meet.

Please prepare accordingly. If a meet is suspended or rescheduled, an email will be sent out for confirming availability of the swimmer and volunteers.

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