Q & A for New Swimmers to Team
Below are several frequently asked questions. If you don't see an answer you need below, please contact Kristen Chase, registration coordinator, for help.
I do not live in River Station or in Jones Bridge Landing. Can my kids still join the swim team?
Absolutely! While our swim team is a blending of two swimming pools (River Station subdivision & Jones Bridge Swim & Racquet Club) and several neighborhoods, we have swimmers on the team coming from all over! We find that the diversity of our team only adds to its strength and the fun, particularly as team members invite their friends to join our team too! There is a nominal fee for any family that does not belong to River Station, North River Crossing or the Jones Bridge Club.
When and where do we practice?
JBRS uses two pools for practices and swim meets. We alternate weekly between the Jones Bridge pool and the River Station pool. Practice times will be posted on the Practice Times page.
How proficient of a swimmer must my child be? They've never swam on a swim team before.
JBRS offers a "Future Barracudas" program for those swimmers who are not yet ready to compete at meets. These swimmers must be able to propel themselves forward in the pool at least 5-10 feet. The Future Barracudas usually have a Mini-Meet in late June (with coach assisted swims if needed). See more about the Future Barracudas program here.
If your child is a proficient swimmer, but doesn't know the 4 strokes, then the competition team is the place for them! At practices swimmers will learn correct stroke technique, breathing strategies, and turns (for older swimmers).
How old must my child be to join the team?
Swimmers must be 4 years old by January 1, 2024 in order to join either the Future Barracudas group and/or the Competition Team.