County Championship Meet
The GCSL Championship Meet will be held the weekend of July 12-14, 2024 at Georgia Tech. The sessions are as follows:
Friday, July 12 (afternoon): 15-18s
Saturday, July 13 (morning): 9-10s
Saturday, July 13 (afternoon): 13-14s
Sunday, July 14 (morning): 8 & Under
Sunday, July 14 (afternoon): 11-12s
How do I know if I can swim at the County Championship Meet?
- Swimmers who are between #1-50 in any individual event on the County's Top 100 list at the end of the season are guaranteed a spot to swim at the Championship Meet. Swimmers in positions #51-100 may get to swim at the County Meet depending on the number of swimmers in positions #1-50 who decline their spot.
- Each team also needs a medley relay team and free relay team to compete for each age group and gender. So even if your swimmer does not qualify in an individual event, they may be needed to swim for the relay team.
RSVPing for the County Championship
- Just like with our regular season meet, we need every swimmer on the team to RSVP for the county meet. If you RSVP "yes" you are letting us know your swimmer is available to swim at the meet for relays AND/OR for any individual event your swimmer may qualify for. If you RSVP "no" then you are letting us know you are not available to attend the County Meet.
- If you RSVP "yes" but do not make the cut-off for an individual event, and are not needed for a relay team, you will be notified.
- If you are only willing to go to county for relays, but not individual events (or vice versa) please indicate that in the comments section with your RSVP.
- In recent years, GCSL has gone as high as swimmer #102 to fill all 50 spaces for an event. While this is unlikely, please know that it does happen! It happens most often in the older age groups because swimmers are only able to swim in a maximum of 3 individual events (even if they have qualified in more than 3 events).
- If you see your child's name in the Top 100 list please take a look at your summer calendar now! Obviously, we want any and all our swimmers who qualify for GCSL's Championship to attend!
County Practices
County Hopefuls (those who are in positions 51-100 and those hoping to be on the relay teams) and County Qualifiers (those in positions 1-50) will practice July 1-3. Once the official list of county swimmers is posted, those swimmers will continue with practice July 8-11 There will be no practice on July 4 or 5. County practices are only offered in the mornings.
County Practice Age Groups/Times:
- 10 and Unders - 8:30 - 9:15
- 11 to 18 - 9:15 - 10:00
Thursday, July 11
- 10 and Unders - 8:30 - 9:00am (dives, turns, relays)
- All County Team Members - photo and sweet treat celebration - 9:00-9:30am
- 11 to 18 - 9:30 - 10:00 (dives, turns, relays)