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Volunteer Descriptions

JBRS Swim Team Volunteer Positions

It is required for parents to volunteer if their child is swimming in a meet, unless given clearance by the team managers for extenuating circumstances. We need all hands on deck to make swim team run smoothly! 


Responsible for organizing swimmers from our team to make sure all children get to their events on time.  Involves staying in the bullpen area, calling names of the kids for the events, lining them up and walking over to staging.  Start lining up kids prior to official meet start. 2 people gathering children, 2 people placing them in order according to event and name in the bullpen. 4 volunteers per half = 8 total

Clerk of Course:

Clerk of Course is responsible for arranging swimmers according to their heat and lane assignment in the three rows of chairs behind the starting blocks. The clerk also ensures that the correct swimmer is on the starting block at the beginning of the swim event and responsible for the swimmers who transfer from the staging area to the area behind the starting blocks. This position communicates with the starter when multiple swimmers are absent from the heat. This position is held in the starting block area. 1 per half = 2 total.

Staging Area:

Work with the bullpen by receiving our swimmers from the bullpen at the staging area.  Make sure with the heat sheet the swimmers of both teams are in the correct row and lane position.  From this point, the children move forward and end up behind the blocks with the Clerk of Course.  2 volunteers per half = 4 total.


Timers stand at the end of each lane and use a stopwatch to record finishes. At home meets our timers also write the times down on the time cards. Each team provides 6–9 timers per half = 12-18 total depending on the number of lanes. (5 lanes = 12 total: 1 per lane plus a back-up timer per half)

Stroke and Turn Judge

This person is responsible for judging strokes and turns. Responsible for disqualification of swimmers. (Trained position – Training will be provided by GCSL). 4 judges  = 2 per half + 1 head official at home meets

Computer / Scoring Table:

At home meets, the scoring table involves getting the timing sheets in order, reading them to the person entering the numbers in the computer  and posting the scores once they have been verified.  At away meets, the responsibility is verifying the times that have been entered (timecards against the printed report).  1 per half = 2 total 


Responsible for placing the label on appropriate ribbon. These ribbons are then filed by last name in file folder mailboxes. This position is one of the last to leave the meet since ribbons cannot be completed until all times are entered and verified. The ribbons must be completed and filed by 9am Friday morning. 1 total

Needed for HOME meets only – in addition to above

Set Up:

Responsible for setting pool area for home meets, including tables and tents for concessions. Chairs for staging area and bullpen areas are set up, as well as no parking signs on the road. Please come at 4:00 to do this job (but then you're done before the meet starts!). 


Sell food and drinks during Home meets.  5 per half = 10 total.


Entering the times for the swimmers for each event. Home meets only.  1 per half = 2 total.


Collect lane sheets after events and get them to computer table. 1 per half each home meet = 2 total


Starts race and controls pace of meet. 1 per meet  + 1 backup if needed (Trained position)

Clean Up:

Responsible for replacing chairs in the correct location and cleaning pool area after home meets. Make sure no parking signs are collected from the road and everything is returned to the attic. 4-6 total

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